Saturday, August 04, 2007

derby grrls

i may get some freelance work from a jersey roller derby team doing promotionals and whatnot. here are a couple of initial designs.


.melody. said...

i like the first pic. the second pic is cool 'cause of the detailing, but the chick is scarey! and the third pic is cute, but i don't really see it as awesome in terms of roller derby promoting.

Ben Granoff said...

more action might be the ticket, maybe some jump kicks and flying elbows? great stuff!! the skates are cool, but the "big-foot" freak in me wishes they were bigger. love the crumb-ishness that you capture in deez broads, the whole project seems to be VERY up your ally...check out 'rollarball' for ideas maybe? good luck with this gig man!

jackiehatesyou said...
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